Get Involved!
Northwest Vermont Rail Trail Council
Volunteer enthusiasm is the hallmark of the Northwest Vermont Rail Trail Council, a non-profit organization that represents communities along the trails, trail users, and local businesses. The Council advises the State on trail issues, assists trail users, and helps make trail improvements. It also raises funds for small maintenance projects and amenities, like benches and picnic tables.
The Council is made up of representatives from the 12 communities through which the MVRT and LVRT passes. As well as State/Regional Partners that support trail operation and funding. The Council holds regular business meetings which are open to the public. They are held on the third Monday of every other month.
If you are interested in potentially joining the council please contact
Current Members of the
Northwest Vermont Rail Trail Council
Dave Stanley
Jane Williams
Ellen Stanley
Robert Bessette
Randy Chadburn
Diane Leary
Don Mueller
Alisha Sawyer
Dave Stanley
St. Albans City - Richard Stahl
St. Albans Town - vacant seat
Swanton - Joel Clark
Fairfield - Jane Williams
Sheldon - vacant seat
Enosburg Falls - Ellen Stanley
Enosburg Town - Bob Gervais
Berkshire - vacant seat
Richford - vacant seat
Highgate - Sharon Bousquet
Bakersfield - vacant seat
Fletcher - vacant seat
VAST - Mark Bushey
VT Agency of Transportation
Northwest Regional Planning Commission
VT Dept. of Forest, Parks & Recreation
Franklin County Industrial Development Corp.